Are you having difficulties getting financing for rural properties due to well and septic issues? Meeker and Wright county both offer several different financing options for buyers to help pay for replacement or repair costs on wells and septics.
As a personal example, I am working with a client right now who fell in love with a foreclosure home that needs almost $9000 in repairs on the septic system. The bank, like usual, said they would not pay for the repairs since it would require them to escrow money in order to be fixed in the springtime, and my client did not have $9000 to escrow. While at first it seemed as if this left him with no options, we discovered that he can apply for a loan through the county to get the septic fixed in the spring. His dream home can now finally become a reality!
Sheila GrangrothBuyer's Agent for Tami & Steve at Coldwell Banker Burnet---
Tami DeLand and Steve HansenSaint Cloud and Central Minnesota REALTORS
Coldwell Banker Burnet
(320) 258-6675
St. Cloud Real Estate, Condos, Homes for SaleCentral Minnesota Real Estate---