Take our foreclosure quiz to see if you are prepared to purchase a foreclosed home!
1. I can likely buy a foreclosure for 10 cents on the dollar.
2. Even though I will be required to sign an AS IS addendum, the bank still has responsibility to me regarding the condition of the house.
3. If the bank asks me to use its title company and/or recommended lender, it doesn’t really affect me adversely.
4. It does not matter which REALTOR assists me in the transaction.
5. There is not much I can do to prepare for a successful foreclosure transaction.
6. There is no more risk to me in buying a foreclosure property than there is any other property.
If you answered anything but FALSE on any of the above questions, you are not ready to buy a foreclosure.Don't worry, however, if you did not pass the quiz;! The Tami and Steve Team have answers for you to successfully navigate a happy ending to your foreclosure sale. Read On!